Selected Shorts & Symphony Space Online Store

Edith Wharton Digital Download

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Selected Shorts has toured The Mount, the stately and elegant home of the great American writer Edith Wharton, for the last several summers, presenting Broadway and Hollywood actors reading stories by Wharton and others. Selected Shorts now presents a collection of four of Edith Wharton's short stories, recorded live at the Mount, and featuring acclaimed actresses Kathleen Chalfant, Christina Pickles, Maria Tucci, and Brenda Wehle.

"Mrs. Manstey's View"
Performed by Kathleen Chalfant
You are what you view... an Edith Wharton-era real estate story.

"Roman Fever"
Performed by Maria Tucci
What happened that night in Rome so long ago? The secret revealed.

"The Reckoning"
Performed by Brenda Wehle
The high price of marital harmony.

Performed by Christina Pickles
Wild goings-on at a ladies' book group.


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